Monday, 11 October 2010

Rave Flyers Trumps Game your suggestions

Its been a while since I create Top Trumps styles games for Fantazia events, drugs and rave DJs from the past and present and sitting here I was thinking of doing some new ones tonight to fill my night.  One I could do would be on Rave Flyers... whats 5 category's would be used?  My suggestions would be... Rarity, Age, Style, Collectability and Value.  Any better suggestions?  

We can now do canvas prints of any of the flyers for sale

If you want a canvas print of a rave flyer that does not have an asterisk then we can now do that for you as long as they are for sale in our shop whether or not there is a preview of the flyer available to see.  Masses more opportunity for present buying this Xmas

Linked rave companies and venues

Working on the rave flyer library is time consuming stuff,  catalogue, scanning, coding etc etc, however there is many interesting things that come to light.  One of which is how many different rave companies were actually run by the same people.  Knowing many of the people as we did we were aware of some of the links however even we had forgotten who were behind some of the events (they were the competitions after all)!   We will attempt at some point to simplify some of those connections by making it clear when they are linked.  

Why did they have different brands?  Some like ESP (who's main brand ended up being Dreamscape) tried a number of different brands out at the same time before discarding, Big Bad Head, Supernova and others names to concentrate on the one that had the most resonance with ravers.  Other companies/promoters had to ditch successful/well known brands to ditch negative image or to escape creditors.  This was the case with Chris Griffin who was behind Perception, Mythology, Vision and Devotion.  I will comment some more on this at a later stage.

It also becomes clears how many of the rave events were carried out and many of the same venues.  The Sanctuary was popular and staid named the same, however many of the rave venues used over the 90's went through various names changes over the years.  We all know The Eclipse became The Edge but it changed its name again when it became the home to Coventry University and carried on holding more events.  Other venues also changed their names over the years as well.

If you can help fill in some of the links between companies and venues there do make a post as we like to hear more....

Our offer of rave flyers for sale just got bigger and much cheaper aswell

We have just add over 400 new classic rave flyers for sale to the rave flyer library.  This includes many early ones from 1991 and 1992.   Including rare Eclipse ones amongst others.   And what's more the price of the flyers have been reduced in price in many instances with the average price for a mint condition ones now only £4.99 including postage.

We have many more rave flyers to add and these will be added soon.